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Marketplace for Scientific Computing Projects

Outsource your computational R&D project to external expert consultants through remote collaborations!

In order to encourage exchange of knowledge and expertise across all domains of computational materials science, computational chemistry/bioinformatics, and computational engineering, we invite you to please consider either of the following possibilities:


  1. Submit your computational research project, in order to help you find a suitable expert remote consultant among our database of registered profiles who holds the right expertise to address your R&D requirements.

  2. Register as a remote expert consultant, in order to help clients from both industry and academia to request your (remunerated) assistance in performing relevant computational-based contract research projects.


Please begin the registration process for one of these two possibilities, via either of the two buttons below. More information about how our marketplace system for the outsourcing of computational research projects operates can be found under the corresponding registration forms accessible below:



Many thanks for your interest and your consideration in our contract research marketplace platform!


Dr. Gabriele Mogni (Founder of the Quantum Server community)


Email contact in case of questions and comments:



This project is sponsored by the Materials Square simulation platform:

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